Container ship Flaminia, partially destroyed by a fire last year, will leave the port of Constanta on Friday night and it will reach a port in Denmark, to be decontaminated. Flaminia ship will leave the port of Constanta to Denmark, not to Greece as originally announced by Mediafax. “The vessel has received the necessary approvals for departure, there are no problems in this regard. After being decontaminated will be going back to the Mangalia shipyard. We expect to be back by January-February”, said Bola Eugen.
According to him, during Thursday it was a change of crew, five sailors left the ship, their place being taken by other six.
On October 21, authorities announced that Constanta ship will leave the port of Constanta Flaminia, where it landed in May, and it will reach most probably a Greek port to be decontaminated after the solutions proposed by the Romanian in this regard were not accepted.
The Prefect stated that it is an economic decision, the owner choose the cheapest solution, especially for the evacuation of 14,000 extra tons of waste found over the declared ones and that would have had to return to Germany. Thus, instead of choosing to take these wastes in Germany, with other means of transport, he has chosen to move the ship altogether.
He also said that so far from the ship have been downloaded around 2,000 tons of waste, “because it was given a special attention to the labor security measures and they have worked in a slower pace.” It is metallic waste that remains here for recovery.
In turn, representatives of the Romanian Naval Authority (NRA) said the ship unloading operations were stopped and they expect the owner to submit the necessary documents so that the vessel can leave Romania.
On October 30, the representative of the International Transport Federation (ITF) in Romania, Adrian Mihalcioiu, said that many Filipino sailors aboard Flaminia refuse to go along with the ship and want to request repatriation, fearing for their lives because of the precarious state in which the ship is.
In July, the President of the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), Mihail Falca, says that the representatives of the the company that operates the ship Flaminia received approval for the management of 9,000 tons of waste that is on the boat. He stated that the Romanian authorities have not given notice for the management of other 14,000 tons of waste that were declared “illegal importation” and that will be taken over by the German state.
Container ship MSC Flaminia, under German flag, landed in May in Constanta Port, waiting approval from the Romanian authorities to be decontaminated because of hazardous waste and repaired at Daewoo Mangalia shipyard Maval after it was under fire in the Atlantic Ocean, in 2012.